August 8- September 6, 2020

August 8- September 6, 2020

Opening hours Saturday August 8th, 12-5pm, and 6-9pm
Regular gallery hours 12-5pm Saturdays & Sundays

Room 1:

Kelly A. Mueller
End of Days

Originally from Chicago, Kelly teaches art at Lusher Charter High School and lives in Mid-City, New Orleans. Often large and textural, her art centers on the tension between natural forces and systems, and the human tendency to subvert these systems.  She received her MFA from Northern Illinois University and is currently a member of The Front Gallery in New Orleans, and Baton Rouge Gallery, LA. She attends artist residencies whenever possible outside of her teaching, including such places as Hambidge, GA; Stone House, CA; Philadelphia Art Hotel, Dorland Mountain Art Colony, and a research trip to the Amazon Rainforest as a Surdna Fellow.

IG @kellyannepics 

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Plague, mixed media on paper, 22x30”, 2020
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Famine, mixed media on paper, 22x30”, 2020

Room 2:

Sword X Board

Skate over Hate


IG @Human_Smoothy

Room 3:

Erica Christmas, Curator
My Quarantine Expressway: Imagining A New Radical Future Through Zines

My Quarantine Expressway is a pop-up zine library for the month of August. They’ll be sitting areas, plants, and a floral wall installation by Katy Collis of Cry Baby Floral for the second week of the pop-up. Erica Christmas, who in addition to being a photographer ran a publishing press for 4 years, is contributing zines and has reached out to fellow artists and citizens to loan zines out to the library and select copies of her zines will be for sale. Some of the Artist Zines included are Krewe, a New Orleans based literary magazines with editors Michael Luke and Shannon BladyPrague Study Abroad Sketchbook Doodles a zine created by Takesha Arceneaux Sutton

Please keep in mind that these zines are being loaned out for the installation. The zines are not to be taken outside of the installation or front building. Please respect the publications and no open drinks or food are allowed inside the installation. This zine library is also to serve as a place of relaxation and knowledge for Black folks. Given the current global trauma Black people are facing and me being Black myself, I wanted to offer a moment of pause with interesting reading material and quiet. With this in mind, I’m reminding all visitors that installation was created to provide a safe, trigger free space. Thank you.

Room 4:

Nailah Griffin 
For all the parties, I could not attend

For all the parties, I could not attend is a plea of empathy. It is to look at racism through the eyes of the oppressed & hold those who claim they do not understand our pain, accountable.  Can you now feel a pain when its reflected through you?

The curation of the space will remind you that we must look at the past & present in order to go forward in the future. 

My name is Nailah, I’m a communal artist/Mama, the work that I flourish in is creating safe spaces for people to emote & share their experiences. The mediums I use in curating safety are collage, items of nostalgia & chromotherapy.

IG @msmowgli 

*In accordance with COVID-19 reopening of venues in New Orleans we ask all visitors to wear masks and observe social distancing. We will limit the number of visitors at one time in our small galleries per city protocol.